The Ruling on a Woman Answering the Telephone During Her Mourning Period
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on a Woman Answering the Telephone During Her Mourning Period

Question :

Is it allowed for a woman whose husband has died to answer the telephone while she is still in her mourning period, since she does not know whether it is a man or a woman? And what is incumbent upon a woman during her waiting period?


During her waiting period, it is incumbent for the woman to avoid adorning herself with blatant or attractive clothing, jewelry, dye, Kuhl for the purpose of beautification, and such like.

She should not leave her house, except for necessity, nor should she wear perfume or scent, nor display herself before unrelated men. But it is permissible for her to go out for her needs, modestly and with her Mahrams, as it is permissible for her to walk in her house and within its precincts, and to ascend to its roof etc..

If she needs to speak by telephone or otherwise, there is no objection to that; and if she realizes that the speaker is one of those who looks for women and those who wants, to find someone suitable for them, she must terminate the line immediately, as any other woman. But it is permissible for her to talk to her family members who are not Mahrams from behind a screen or by telephone or the like, just as it is permissible for her outside the mourning period. And Allah knows best.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Pages 111-112

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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