The Ruling on a Gold Tooth or a Tooth Capped with Gold
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on a Gold Tooth or a Tooth Capped with Gold

Question :

People say that strengthening a tooth with gold or silver is allowed. What about replacing a tooth or capping one with gold or silver? Please give a proof from the Book and the Sunnah?


The rule established by saying and action is that men are not allowed to use gold and silver for drinking vessels, for clothing that is woven from them or plated with them, and so on. There is only an exception to this rule when there is an evidence supporting that exception, like in the case of a silver ring, or fixing a broken part of a vessel with gold or silver. But as for making a tooth or a nose from either of them, as well as capping a tooth with either of them, there is no proof for an exception to the prohibition for that.

Thus the general rule of prohibition remains except when there is a necessity to use one of them for a nose or a tooth or to cap a tooth with one of them, then it would be allowed out of necessity. And with Allâh is the facilitation to do what is right. And may Allah send peace and blessings on Muhammad, on his family, and on his Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 397-398

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings