The prophet Muhammad SAW

The prophet Muhammad SAW

His name was Muhammad Sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam.

salalah alayhi walsam
Allah chose Muhammad to be the last Prophet.Prophet Muhammad taught us good things. He showedhow to be excellent Muslims.

Prophet Muhammad is the best example for all of us to follow.

Where did Prophet Muhammad ﷺ live?

He lived in Makkah when he was a boy.

The people of Makkah loved him. Later, when he moved to Madina
people there loved him, too!

We should love Prophet Muhammad too, even more than ourselves!!!

Prophet Muhammad was:


Muhammad as a Child

تعلم كلمات

Where was Muhammad SAW born?

He was born in Makkah, where he lived most of his life.

Who were his parents?

His father was Abdullah So his name was Muhammad Ibn Abdullah.
His mother was Aminah.
His grandfather was Abdul-Muttalib.

who were some of his uncles ?

Abu Talib, Hamzah, and Al-Abbas were his uncles.

Who were some of his cousins?

Some of his cousins were Ali Ibn Abi Talib,Ja'far Ibn Abi Talib, Abdullah Ibn Abbasand others.

When Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was a young boy helived in the desert of Makkah.

His family sent him there to learn pure Arabic and a enjoy healthy air.

Haleemah As-Sa'diyyah took care of him in thedesert. She was a kind and loving lady. She was like anmother to Prophet Muhammad. She loved himvery much and he loved her. Her family also was verynice to him.

Muhammad ﷺ was from the tribe of Quraysh.

People of his tribe lived in Makkah. They usedto travel to other places to buy and sell things..

They used to go from Makkah to Yemen inthe winter time..

.... and from Makkah to Syria in the summer time.

Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ father had died before he was born..His mother died when he was still a very young boy.Prophet Muhammad was an orphan.

Surat Quraysh:


[1] Li-'eelafi quraysh
[2] Eelafihim rihlat-ashshitaa'i-wassayf
[3] Fal-ya'budoo rabba hatha-lbayt
[4] Allathee 'at'amahum min joo'iw-wa-amanahum min khawf


[1] For the covenants (of security and safeguard enjoyed) by the Quraysh,
[2] Their covenants (covering) journeys by winter and summer,
[3] Let them worship the Lord of this House,
[4] Who gave them food against hunger, and security against fear (of danger).


when he was young, and also when he was old.

The Prophet's grandfather and uncles great care of him.They loved him and kept him safe.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ worked hard

What Muhammad's ﷺ first job?

When he was just a boy,Muhammad ﷺ was a shepherd.
When he was a young man, Muhammad became amerchant. He traveled to places like Syria to buy, sell,and trade things.

How did Muhammad ﷺ treat animals?

He took goodcare of sheep. He was kind with all animals.

How did Muhammad ﷺ treat other people?

Muhammad ﷺ was always kind and honest..People loved him very much, and they called him As-Sadiq Al-Ameen. This meant the Truth-tellerand the Trustworthy.

He helped the poor and theneedy people.

He solved problems between people and helped them stop fighting.

He was kind to everyone. He made people happy.

Everyone loved and trusted Muhammad.

إقرأ المزيد :
