The Prophet does not hear the Invocation or Calling of Anyone
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Prophet does not hear the Invocation or Calling of Anyone

Question :

Does the Prophet hear every invocation and call made to him at his noble grave, specially blessings, when a person sends blessings upon him, as it is stated in
"Whoever sends blessings upon my grave, I hear him..." up to the end of the Hadith. Is this authentic, or weak or a lie upon the Messenger SAW?


Generally speaking, the dead cannot hear any call from the living from among the sons of Adam, nor can they hear their supplications, as Allah, the Most High says:

But you cannot make hear those who are in the graves.

There is no evidence in the Book (of Allah) and the authentic Sunnah to show that the Prophet hears every supplication or call from mankind and that it is something special for him. All that has been established from him is that the prayers for him, and salutations of peace which a person sends to him reach him. Whether the one who does so is at his grave or far from it, it is the same; this has been proven by the narration of 'Ali bin Al-Husain bin 'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, which states that he saw a man going to a gap in the grave of the Prophet entering it and supplicating; he stopped him from doing so, saying: "Shall I not tell you of a Hadith which I heard from my father, on the authority of my grandfather, on the authority of the Messenger of Allah that he said:
"Do not take my grave as a place of celebration, nor your houses as graves, but send salutations upon me, for verily, your salutations are conveyed to me, wherever you may be.

As for the Hadith:"
"Whoever sends prayers upon me at my grave, I hear him; and whoever sends prayers upon me from afar, I will reach him.»

- it is a weak Hadith, according to the scholars. As for what was narrated by Abu Dawud, with a Hasan chain of narrators, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, which states that the Prophet said:

Whenever anyone sends salutations of peace upon me, Allah returns my soul so that I may return the salutations to him.»

It is does not mean that he hears the salutations of the Muslim; instead, it is likely that he replies when the angels convey the greeting to him. Even if we said that he hears the salutations, it does not follow that he hears other words of supplication or calls.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 279-280-281

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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