The Opening Supplication is a Sunnah in Every Prayer except the Funeral Prayer
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Opening Supplication is a Sunnah in Every Prayer except the Funeral Prayer

Question :

Is it obligatory to recite the opening supplication in every prayer?


The opening supplication is as follows:
"Glorified and Praised be You, O Allah! Your Name is Blessed and Your Majesty is Exalted and none has the right to be worshipped but You.

It is not obligatory to recite it, but it is a highly recommended Sunnah after the opening Takbir and before the recitation; but it is not prescribed in the funeral prayer alone. It is only a Sunnah to recite in the other prayers in which there is bowing and prostrating, such as the obligatory prayer and the prescribed non-obligatory prayers, Witr, Friday prayer, the two 'Eid prayers, rain prayer, the eclipse prayer, Tarawih prayers and the like.

The opening supplication has been reported with other than the aforementioned wording, so whoever opened his prayer with any one of the supplications and remembrance which have been reported, there is no objection to it.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 231-232

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings