The middle Night of Sha'ban should not be singled out for worship

The middle Night of Sha'ban should not be singled out for worship

Question :

I read in one of the books that fasting the middle night of Sha'ban is one of the innovations and I read in another source that from the days that are recommended to fast is the middle night of Sha'ban. What is the correct ruling concerning this?


No authentic report traced to the Prophet has been confirmed regarding the virtue of the middle night of Sha'ban that may be acted upon, even in the collections of virtuous acts. Rather, some reports have been related concerning it from some of the Successors of the Companions that are discontinued (i.e., not traced back beyond them), and numerous Hadiths which the most authentic of them are fabricated or extremely weak. These narrations have become very popular in many of the lands that have become filled with ignorance, such narrations as: the lifespans are written in them and entire lives are wiped away, and so forth. Based upon this, it is not legislated to be vigilant (in worship) during this night nor to fast its day. It also should not be singled out for specific worship. No consideration should be given to the numerous amount of ignorant people who do this. And Allâh knows best.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 342-343

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