The Friday Prayer is not required when one is in a state of Fear

The Friday Prayer is not required when one is in a state of Fear

Question :

A guard over the property of a company during the time of the Friday prayer fears that the property may be stolen if he goes to the Friday prayer. Is he relieved of the responsibility of performing it?


It would appear that he is relieved of the responsibility of offering it, if the fear is real and it is not possible to safeguard the property inside locked inaccessible buildings which would protect it and there are thieves and pilferers around who do not pray the Friday prayer who take advantage of the absence of others to remove property and steal whatever they find unguarded. However, if this fear is imaginary, then the obligation to perform the Friday prayer is not removed from anyone. But if the fear is genuine, and none remains with the property except one, or however many are sufficient, he or they should offer the Zuhr prayer after those who are on guard with them return. And Allah knows best.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 475

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