The Four Mathhabs
الفئة: islamic articles

The Four Mathhabs

Question :

I do not know any of the four Mathhabs which I might follow, so is it permissible for me to choose any Mathhab?


The four Mathhabs agree upon the essentials, that is, in beliefs; they only differ over matters of Ijtihad in questions of Fiqh due to their different understanding and opinions on matters and differing degrees of knowledge. In spite of this, they are rewarded for their Ijtihad; whoever is right receives two rewards, while whoever is wrong receives one, and his mistake is forgiven, due to his good intention. It is therefore allowed for us to follow any of them in any matter except where it is clear that they are wrong, just as it is permitted to take the most preponderant view from every Mathhab.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Page 371

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الفئة: islamic articles