The Five Fawasiq
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Five Fawasiq

Question :

I have heard of the phrase, "The five Fawasiq." What does this mean, and are we ordered to kill them, even in the sacred areas?


The five Fawasiq are as follows: the mouse, the scorpion, the ferocious dog, the crow, and the kite. These are the five animals about which the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said :
"There are five animals that are all Fawasiq and should be killed while not in Ihram and while in Ihram."

It is Sunnah for people to kill these pests whether in a state of Ikram or not, or, in the sacred areas or not. This is because of the harmful nature of these animals.

An analogy may be made from these five, extending to other creatures that are as harmful or more harmful than those mentioned, the exception being the snake in a home: one may only kill it after making three attempts to expel it from the house. This is because it is feared that it may be a jinn. The exception to this is the one that has a short tail or one that has two black stripes on its back. These snakes may be killed in the home because the Prophet mentioned them as the exception to the prohibition in this case. So these two types of snakes may be killed in any circumstance. The others are not to be killed, but one should attempt to drive them out of the house. He does this by yelling at them, "Get out, for you are in my house" or the like. In this manner he is warning it and letting him know that he does not have permission to remain in the house. If the snake remains in the house after that, then it is not a jinn, or, if it were, you have exhausted his rights, and then he may be killed.

However, if it attacks before being warned, then one may defend himself, even if it means killing the snake, an act that is sanctioned because it is in self-defense.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 282-283

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings