The first night in the grave
الفئة: islamic articles

The first night in the grave

The seeker of others besides Allaah has gone astray and he who thanks others besides Allaah will have his blessings withdrawn. Man will be called to account on how he lived his life and all his deeds are recorded. Time moves like a cloud and the appointed time is the Day of Reckoning. Fear Allaah, for happy ending is for the pious.

I want you to imagine two nights of the same man: one night, he is with his children and family, happy and healthy laughing.

The following night, the angel of death comes to put him alone in the grave.

An Arabic poet once said that when he moved from the place that he used to sleep to another new place, he couldn't sleep. So what do you think of the first night in the grave, when there are no friends, no wife, no children, no wealth and no comfortable bed?

The first night in the grave, Al Hasan ibn Al Hasan a son for Ali ibn Abi Taleb, died. He had a wife and children. Yes he was in his youth but death doesn't excuse the youth, and it doesn’t excuse the rich or kings or ministers.

Death overcomes all except Allah , death takes people out of houses and palaces and puts then in dark graves.

Al Hasan ibn Al hasan died suddenly, and was taken to the grave; his wife cried for him so much and swore to cry for him for a year around his grave. And she cried for a year and then she took her children and left. Then she heard someone saying "Did they find what they missed?" Another one replied "No, but they got disappointed so they left"

He didn't talk to them from the grave, and he didn't get out. He didn't kiss his children and didn't see his wife.

Allah All mighty said "Every soul shall have a taste of death"

Two young men died they had a car accident, but the good thing is that they were good men who follow Allah's path. One of them was a reciter of Qur’an. He used to finish it reading every seven days. His parents said he used to pray at night. The second didn't know but prayers, quran and good companions. So the catastrophe was light because he was going to a grave which is a garden of paradise, with Allah's will.

Omar ibn Abdulaziz was a prince. He used to change his clothes more than once a day!! He had gold and silver, servants, palaces, foods and drinks, everything he liked and wanted was at his handsأ¢â‚¬آ¦And then he became the Khalifa and became responsible for all Muslims. What happened? He got rid of all that because he remembered the first night in the grave.

Ibn zeyad one of the scholars said "Oh Ameer of maomnean we saw you before you became a Khalifa in blessings and good health, so why did you change? Omar cried excessively and then said, "Oh Ibn zeyad, how are you going to see me in the grave after three nights when they have taken off my clothes, when I lay in the dirt and leave my family? I swear you would only see what you dislike."

Brothers and sisters, what have we done to prepare for that night? And you, the old man with a bent back did you prepare for the first night? Oh you, the young man who has been deceived with vain hopes in his youth, did you prepare for the first night?"

It’s time to act! For those who don’t pray start now. For the one who’s disrespectful to his parents أ¢â‚¬â€œ respect them now! For the one who’s cut off ties with her relatives أ¢â‚¬â€œ mend them now! For the one who’s doing haram stop now!

I ask Allah to awaken us from our sleep of heedlessness! And to help us begin to act now before it’s too late, before the Angel of Death comes for us and we regret the missed opportunities.

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: islamic articles