The Final Hour will come to pass when only Evil People will be on Earth
الفئة: The Book of Creed

The Final Hour will come to pass when only Evil People will be on Earth


We often hear that the Final Hour will not come to pass until Islam prevails on earth. But we also hear that it will come to pass when there is no one who says La ilahah illallah. How can we reconcile between the two statements?


Both statements are correct. It is authentically reported that the Prophet said that the Final Hour will not come to pass until Isa, son of Maryam, whom Allah saved from evil, comes down on earth, kills the Pseudo Christ, and the swine, and breaks the cross. During his era, wealth will become in abundance. He will waive the Jizyah, and accept from people only Islam or the sword. Allah will abolish during his era, all religions except Islam. Prostration will be to Allah alone.

This indicated clearly that Islam during 'Isa's time, may Allah render him safe from every derogatory thing, will prevail on earth, with no other faith beside it. It is also authentically reported that the Final Hour will come to pass while only evil people are alive. Allah, the Exalted, will send a pleasant breeze, after the death of 'Isa, may Allah render him safe from every derogatory thing, after the sun rises from the west. This breeze will collect the soul of every believer, man or woman. After which there will remain alive only evil people upon whom the Final Hour will come to pass.

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 55-56

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الفئة: The Book of Creed