The fasting of the Woman with post-childbirth Bleeding

The fasting of the Woman with post-childbirth Bleeding

Question :

If I gave birth a week before Ramadhan, for example, and I became pure before completing the 40 days, is it obligatory upon me to fast?


Yes, whenever the woman with post-childbirth bleeding becomes pure and that which she knows to be a sign of purity becomes apparent to her, which is the white pad or total cleanliness, then she fasts and prays. It makes no difference if it is even a day or a week after giving birth. For verily, there is no limit for the minimum amount of postnatal bleeding. Some women do not see any blood at all after giving birth. Reaching a period of 40 days is not a condition. And Allâh knows best.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Page 298

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