The Evidence of the Messengers' Truthfulness
الفئة: The Book of Creed

The Evidence of the Messengers' Truthfulness


What is the evidence of the Messengers' and Prophets' truthfulness and with what did Allah support them?


Allah provided proofs for the Prophets' truthfulness, supported them with miracles which impressed mankind, and they were also known among their peoples for their truthfulness and their good counsel. Their characters were excellent, their deeds were righteous, their tongues were truthful, and they were trustworthy, religious folk.

They were happy, having a cheerful appearance. Allah knows best where to put His Message and they were the best of Allah's creation; and your Lord creates and chooses whom He wills. Whoever requires more information on this subject should read the books of history, Tafsir, Prophetic Seerah and miracles and evidences of Prophethood which have been penned by the scholars wherein they have expounded on the subject in detail.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Page 225

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الفئة: The Book of Creed