The Daughter of Your Paternal Aunt's Son Who Was Breast-fed With Your Sister is Forbidden to You
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Daughter of Your Paternal Aunt's Son Who Was Breast-fed With Your Sister is Forbidden to You

Question :

My paternal aunt has a son who has a daughter. This son of my aunt was breast-fed with my elder sister. Is it permissible for me to marry his daughter, or is she forbidden to me, since her father was breast-fed with my elder sister, so he is a brother to me?


If the situation is as described by the questioner, and the aforementioned breast-fed child was suckled by the questioner's mother five times or more while he was in the first two years of life, then it is not permissible for the questioner to marry his daughter.

This is because in this case, he has become her paternal uncle through breast-feeding. It has been authentically reported from the Prophet ﷺ that he said:
"That which is forbidden due to kinship is forbidden due to breast- feeding."

And 'A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her said: "It was revealed in the Qur'an that ten known breast-feedings caused. prohibition, then it was abrogated by five known breast- feedings. Then the Prophet ﷺ died and the matter remained thus." Narrated by Muslim in his Sahih and by At-Tirmithi, and the wording is the same.

And Allah is the Granter of success.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Page 135

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 7