The Best Wives of the Prophet

The Best Wives of the Prophet

Question :

Who were the best wives of the Prophet?


The wives of the Prophet are of great eminence and virtue, all of them are the Mothers of the believers, as Allah has named them. But the best of them as regards to being the earliest to embrace Islam was Khadijah bint Khuwailid, while the best of them in knowledge, understanding and of most benefit to the Muslims was 'A'ishah bint Abi Bakr As-Siddiq, may All be pleased with all of them. The rest of them are of virtue, which none disputes except the Rafidhah and their like. We are innocent of the Rafidhah beliefs and those who follow them, and we would direct the questioner to explanations of Al-'Aqidah Al- Wasitiyyah, such as Al-Kanashif Al-Jaliyyah, or Al-As'ilah wal- Ajwibah Al-Usooliyyah, or At-Tanbihat As-Sunniyyah, or Ar- Rawdhah An-Nadiyyah and other books on 'Aqidah, such as Ma'arijul-Qabool and the like.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 300-301

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