The Authenticity of these Hadiths
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Authenticity of these Hadiths

Question :

Are these Hadiths authentic?
1) "The most audacious of you in making rulings is the most audacious of you about (entering) the Fire."

2 ) "Makkah is the frontier and Jeddah the Jihad."

3) "We have returned from the lesser Jihad only to return to the greater Jihad."


1) In the wording you mentioned, Ad-Darmi recorded a Mursal form of this Hadith on page 57 in the first volume of his Sunan from 'Ubaydullah bin Abi Ja'far, but it is weak because it is Mursal. It is more likely Mawquf.

2) I know of no Hadith that has this wording.

3) This phrase has become widespread, mentioned both in gatherings and in print, yet despite its popularity in terms of how often it is quoted, it cannot correctly be attributed to the Prophet ﷺ.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 202-203

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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