The Appearance of Mahdi
الفئة: The Book of Creed

The Appearance of Mahdi


What is your opinion about the promised person, Al- Mahdi? Are there Prophetic traditions to verify his future appearance?


There are numerous traditions that are reported by the leading authorities in the science of the Hadith (Prophetic traditions) verifying the advent of the expected Mahdi, the Pseudo-Messiah and the Messiah. Certain signs will precede his advance; the most significant of which is that he will make justice prevail on earth after the prevalence of injustice and tyranny. It is not permissible today for anyone to allege that a certain person is the Mahdi until his signs that the Prophet foretold have appeared such as the one mentioned above.

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Page 102

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: The Book of Creed