Tawassul to Allah through Pious People
الفئة: The Book of Creed

Tawassul to Allah through Pious People


Is it permissible for a Muslim to seek nearness to Allah through Prophets and pious people? I have read an opinion of some scholars that there is no harm in Tawassul through to Allah. And I read contradicting opinions by other scholars. What is the ruling of Islamic law on this issue?


Al-Waliy is he who believes in Allah and fears him by fulfilling his commands and refraining from his prohibitions. Allah says:
"Verily, the Awliya' of Allah shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve. Those who believed and used to fear Allah much.

Tawassul or seeking nearness to Allah through Awliya' is of different kinds:

First: when someone requests a living Waliy to supplicate Allāh to make his provisions ample or to heal him or to ask him to guide him to the right path. All of which is permissible just as some Companions requested the Prophet to supplicate Allah for rain, and he did so, and Allah responded to his supplications, and they were rained. Under this kind to the case when the Companions of the Prophet requested Al- 'Abbas during the caliphate of 'Umar asking him to supplicate Allah for rain, which he did, and the Companions were saying: "Aameen." Such took place during the lifetime of the Prophet and after his death. It is also permissible for a Muslim to request his Muslim brother to supplicate Allah on his behalf, to receive a benefit or waive a harm.

Second: is to call on Allah, beseeching Him through the love which he holds for his Prophets and obedients to him, and through the love which he holds for the Awliya' of Allah, by saying: "O Allah! I ask You by the love which I hold for Your Prophet, and by following him and by the love which I hold for the Awliya' of Allah, give me this or that." This is permissible because it is a form of Tawassul from the slave to his Lord through his good deeds; just as the case of three people who were trapped in a cave by a rock which blocked the caves mouth, and they begged Allah to relieve them, making Tawassul through their good deeds.

Third: to ask Allah by the homage and prestige of His Prophet, or any of His Awliya', saying: "O Allah! I ask You by the prestige of Your Prophet or the prestige of Al-Husain," for instance. Such is not permissible, for although the prestige of the Awliya' of Allah is great, particularly the prestige of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, but it is neither legitimate nor normal means for Allah's response to supplication. It is for this reason the Companions refrained from making Tawassul through the prestige of the Messenger of Allah, when they needed rain, rather they sought it by the supplication of his uncle Al-Abbas, even though the prestige and the honor of the Prophet is above anyone else's. It was never known that the Companions may Allah be pleased with them, made Tawassul through the Prophet after his death, bearing in mind that they were the best of generations who recognized the right of the Messenger of Allah best and loved him most.

Fourth: is when the slave asks Allah to fulfill his needs, adjuring Allah by His Wali, Prophet, or by the right of his Prophet and Awliya' such as saying: "O Allah! I ask You, by Your Wali so-and-so, or by the right of Your Prophet." It is not permissible to demand something from a creature through swearing by other creatures. Likewise there is no right for a creature to demand from Allah swearing by His creatures. This is the fact which is supported by evidences with which the Islamic creed is safeguarded, and with which the gates to Shirk are blocked.

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 83-84-85

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: The Book of Creed
people 3