Table Soccer or Table Football
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Table Soccer or Table Football

Question :

In places known as arcades, young people play a game known as table soccer or table football; a game that is played on a table, that has a small ball and two nets on opposite sides, and that has little figures of soccer players that are controlled by two players, one on each side. The loser of the game usually pays for the game. Is this kind of game permitted in Islam?


If the game you mentioned does involve the loser paying for the game and if it also consists of figures or little statues of soccer players, then it is unlawful for three reasons:

1) A game so frivolous and time consuming prevents one from doing that which will benefit his religion and his worldly well-being. It might even become a habit that leads to other forms of gambling, a result that makes it unlawful to even a greater degree.

2) Making statues or pictures of beings and buying them are among the major sins; the Messenger of Allah warned those who perpetrate this act with the Fire and with an evil torment.

3) For the loser to pay is unlawful unlawful because it is a waste of money, because renting a table for this purpose is unlawful, and because the profit that the owner of the table receives is unlawful. And all of the above-mentioned reasons make this deed to be a major sin and an unlawful form of gambling.

May Allah send peace and blessings upon Muhammad, his family, and his Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 266-267

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 4