Stopping the Person who eats during the Daytime in Ramadhan out of forgetfulness

Stopping the Person who eats during the Daytime in Ramadhan out of forgetfulness

Question :

If I see a fasting person eating or drinking during the daytime in Ramadhan, am I obligated to remind him? I ask this because I hear some people saying, "You are not obligated to remind him, for verily it is only Allâh Who fed him and gave him drink."


Whoever sees a Muslim drinking or eating during the daytime in Ramadhan or doing anything else that would break the fast, he must stop him, because doing such thing openly during the daytime in Ramadhan is an evil. This must be done even if the person's friend is someone who has an excuse in this same matter (i.e., breaking the fast). This is so that the people do not become bold about openly doing what Allâh has forbidden of things that break the fast during the daytime in Ramadhan with the claim that they forgot. If the person who openly does this is truthful in his claim of forgetfulness, he does not have to make up for the fast. This is due to the Prophet's statement:
"Whoever forgets while he is fasting and he eats or drinks, then let him complete his fast, for verily it is only Allah Who fed him and gave him drink."

This Hadith's authenticity is agreed upon. Likewise, the traveller should not openly indulge in things that break the fast while among the residents who do not know his situation. Rather, he must conceal that so that he is not suspected of doing what Allâh has made forbidden on him, and so that others do not become bold in doing that. Likewise, the disbelievers are prohibited from openly eating and drinking and similar things while among the Muslims (while they are fasting). The door of laxity has been closed in this matter. This is also because they (the non-Muslims) are prohibited from manifesting signs of their false religion among the Muslims. And Allâh is the Giver of success.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Page 328

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