Should We believe that Medical Doctors know what is in the Wombs
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Should We believe that Medical Doctors know what is in the Wombs


Under question and answer column in a certain magazine, they alleged that it is man who decides the gender of the fetus. Is there anyone other than Allah who knows the unseen? What is the ruling on this issue?


First of all, it is Allah alone Who fashions the fetus in the wombs the way He wishes. He either makes it female or male, perfect or deformed, and so on. No one else other than Allah can do that. He says:
It is He Who fashions you in the wombs as He wills. There is no true God except He, the Mighty, the Wise.

And He says:
To Allah belongs dominion of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills. He gives females to whoever He wills and males to whoever He wills. Or He gives them twins of males and females, and makes whoever He wills barren. He is the Knower, the Powerful.

Allah, the Exalted, is the only Proprietor of the heaven and the earth. It is up to Him to create whatever He wills, and fashions the fetus in the womb as he likes, it be male or female, perfect or deformed, beautiful or ugly, or any other fetal conditions. He is alone, not a partner nor anyone else, who does so.

A claim that a husband, a doctor, or a philosopher can decide the sex of the fetus is groundless. All the husband can do is to wait for his wife's fertility period to have intercourse with her, for the hope of pregnancy. He may have what he wants fulfilled by the decree of Allah. Pregnancy may not take place for one reason or another, or due to a blockage in the fallopian tubes or infertility. Or it may be that Allah wants to test the endurance of his slaves.

This means that material means themselves have no effect on the case; rather they work by the Will of Allah.

Fertilization is a thing belonging to the universal Will of Allah, and the human can only do the action with the Will of Allah. As for the disposal of the affairs, the formation, and the arranging of the causes, all are restricted to Allah alone. He who contemplates the conditions of people, their claims and lies out of ignorance and excessive estimation of modern sciences, surely exceeds the limits in trusting the material means. He who evaluates the matters properly will be able to distinguish between what is restricted to Allah alone, and those which Allah allowed the creature to do through His Decree.

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 68-69

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings