She did not fast Ramadhan 24 years ago due to an Excuse and she did not make up for it because she did not know she had to

She did not fast Ramadhan 24 years ago due to an Excuse and she did not make up for it because she did not know she had to

Question :

A woman did not fast Ramadhan in the year 1382 AH due to a true excuse, which was her breast-feeding her infant. Now the child has grown up and today he is 24 years old, but the woman still has not made up for that month. By Allah, the Most Mighty, this was only due to ignorance and not laxity on her part or purposeful intent. I hope that you can benefit us with an answer.


It is obligatory upon her to make haste in making up for that month as soon as possible. She should fast it even if she does so during separate days that equal the amount of days that the Muslims fasted that year. Along with fasting she must give charity, which is feeding a poor person for each day as expiation for her delay. For verily, whoever delays making up for the fast until another Ramadhan comes, he is obligated to make expiation along with making up for the fast. It suffices for the entire month to give a bag of rice that is 45 kg. It was obligatory upon her to investigate and ask about the affair of her religion. For verily, this matter is well known and common with certain individuals among the people - meaning whoever breaks the fast due to an excuse, he is obligated to make up for the fast as soon as possible, and it is not permissible to delay without an excuse.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Page 311

You must make up for the Fast even if it is over separate Days

Question :

I am a young woman who is 17 years old. My question is that from the first two years that I fasted, I have not fasted (i.e., made up for) the days that I did not fast during Ramadhan (i.e., due to menstruation). So, what should I do?


You must make haste to make up for those days, even if you do so over separate days. Also, along with making up for the days, you must make expiation, which is feeding a poor person for each day. This is due to delaying making up for the fast more than a year, as is the view of the majority of the scholars.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Page 312

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