She assumed Ihram for Hajj while she was menstruating, then she went to Jeddah

She assumed Ihram for Hajj while she was menstruating, then she went to Jeddah

Question :

A woman assumed Thram for Hajj from As-Sayl (the Miqat from Najd) while she was menstruating. Then when she reached Makkah, she went to Jeddah for some personal need. Then, she became pure in Jeddah, so she bathed, combed her hair and then completed her Hajj. Is her Hajj correct or is she required to do something?

Question :

There is no sin on her for that and her traveling to Jeddah while she is menstruating does not harm her Hajj. She is not required to do anything. Likewise, her combing her hair, if that does not involve applying any perfume or cutting the hair, is allowed. If it involves applying perfume or cutting the hair, there is nothing required of her if she did that forgetfully or due to ignorance. If she did it intentionally, while knowing the Islamic ruling, she must offer a ransom of atonement for applying perfume and one for cutting her hair. This atonement is feeding six poor people, giving each of them half a Sa' of the country's food, or slaughtering a sheep or fasting three days for each of these acts of cutting the hair and using perfume.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 158

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