Sujud Sahwi (the prostration of forgetfulness)
الفئة: islamic articles

Sujud sahwi

Sujud Sahwi or Sajdah of forgetfulness occurs during the ritual salat prayer.

There are two methods of performing sajda al sahw (the prostration of forgetfulness):

The Hanafi Method

When you reach the last rakat, recite at-tahiyaat till the end innaka Hameedun Majeed.
Make a single salam to the right.
Perform 2 additional prostrations (with subhana rabiyal a’la three times).
Complete your salah: Recite at-tahiyaat till the end innaka Hameedun Majeed then make dua.
End the prayer (as normal) with salam to the right and left.

The Shafi’i Method

When you reach the last rakat, recite at-tahiyaat till the end innaka Hameedun Majeed.
Do not do salam instead make 2 additional prostrations (while reciting subhana rabiyal a’la three times)
End the prayer by saying salam to the right and left.
Both Imams Hanafi and Shafi’s method are based on evidences which showed the Prophet (peace be on him) did this.

When is the sajda al sahw required?

  • If you miss and wajib parts of the salah you can make the sajda al sahw.

  • However, if you forget a pillar (arkan) of salah, you have to repeat the salah.

  • If you miss your salah, it is better to make up the salah later, than to perform sunnah or nawafil prayers.


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الفئة: islamic articles