Ruling of Making Up Fasts Missed in Ramadaan due to Menses

Ruling of Making Up Fasts Missed in Ramadaan due to Menses

I never made up the days that I missed from the month of Ramadhan due to my monthly period and I am not able to determine how many days they were.What shall I do now.

Dear sister in Islam, you must investigate the matter and fast what you believe you missed of the days of fasting.And ask Allah for help and assistence. "Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope" (al-Baqarah 2:286)
Do your best and investigate the matter and be cautious with respect to yourself until you have fasted what you believe must be the amount you missed. You mus also repent to Allah.

Source:Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women - Darussalam Pgs. 145

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