Recommended Deeds for the Ten Best Days of the Year

Recommended Deeds for the Ten Best Days of the Year

The best days for doing good

These blessed days are quickly coming to an end, so let's take full advantage of them while we still can. If deeds on these days are more beloved to Allah than on any other days, including those of Ramadan, shall we not hasten to do as many as we can?

Hasten to do good

{And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden (Paradise) as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous} (3:133)

{Race toward forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whose width is like the width of the heavens and earth, prepared for those who believed in Allah and His messengers. That is the bounty of Allah which He gives to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty.} (57:21)

Race, and be of those who are fortunate to have received the bounty, grace and favour of Allah! Do not hold back, rather hasten to earn all the rewards you can. Be a part of spreading Islamic knowledge, enlightening Muslims in matters of their Religion and having their questions answered.

Strive to do good, the results of which you will see in this world, in your grave and the Hereafter, in sha Allah.

Suggested good deeds

Following is a list of things to keep in mind and which can be done during these days; it is in no way an exhaustive list, but some reminders and tips for all of us.

  • Removing obstacles from the road/pathways (such as a branch, broken glass, garbage from a sidewalk etc).

  • Being kinder to your spouse and making them happy.

  • Visiting a fellow Muslim or calling/contacting them just to say salam and maintain ties of brother/sisterhood.

  • Helping someone pay a debt if they are in difficulty.

  • Helping someone pay a bill if they can't afford it.

  • Lending an ear to a fellow Muslim who just needs someone to listen to them.

  • Helping someone by getting their groceries for them (perhaps getting out is a challenge for them; you don't necessarily have to pay for them).
    Getting new clothes for the children of a needy family for 'Eid (or even the adults).

  • Sending something to such families (food, a gift, sweets-for example) to make 'Eid a happy day for them.

  • Giving someone a ride to 'Eid salah if they don't have transport.

  • Helping someone sign up for 'Eid salah as most places only allow us in if we register, due to COVID (there are many who don't use technology much).

  • Reminding others of the virtues of these days.

  • Reminding people to fast the day of 'Arafah.

  • Providing someone with food to break their fast with on the day of 'Arafah

Additional good deed recommendations

The following extract is a list of righteous actions translated from the compilation by Sheikh Muhammad Saleh Almunajjid

  1. Obligatory Prayers

  2. Supererogatory Fasting and Fasting the Day of 'Arafah

  3. Charity

  4. Repeating “Laa Ilaaha Illa Allâh”

  5. Repeating "Subhaanallaah"

  6. Repeating "Alhamdulillaah"
  7. Repeating "Allahu Akbar"

  8. Repeating "La Haula Wa Laa Quwwata Illaa Billaah"

  9. Repeating the Adhaan after the Mu'adhin

  10. Seeking Forgiveness

  11. Supplicating to Allaah

  12. Invoking Peace and Blessings on the Prophet

  13. Reciting the Qur'aan

  14. And Pondering over Its Meanings

  15. And Memorising It

  16. And Studying It (in Groups)

  17. And Reading its Interpretation

  18. And Teaching It, Especially Teaching Al-Faatihah to Children

  19. Repentance

  20. Being Kind and Dutiful to Parents

  21. Maintaining Ties of Kinship

  22. Being Kind to Parents' Friends

  23. Honouring The Guest

  24. Escorting the Guest

  25. Being a Good Neighbour

  26. Spreading Greetings of Peace/Salaam

  27. Feeding Others (Poor/Needy)

  28. Polite Communication

  29. Spending (a Portion of) the Night in Prayer

  30. Observing Regular Supererogatory Prayers

  31. Observing the Forenoon/Duha Prayer

  32. Adhkaar of the Morning and Evening

  33. Adhkaar of Different Circumstances

  34. Sleeping in A State of Purity

  35. Having a Bath on Fridays

  36. Applying Perfume

  37. Going Early [to the Mosque]

  38. Staying Close to the Imaam

  39. Filling Gaps In Rows

  40. Completing the Line [in Prayer]

  41. Smiling

  42. Meditation/Contemplation on the Creation Of the Universe

  43. Bearing the Offence of Muslims

  44. And Treating them Kindly

  45. Gentleness and Deliberateness

  46. Cheerfulness

  47. Bridling One's Anger

  48. Fulfilling Promises

  49. Observing Repentance Prayer

  50. Praying Two Rak'aats after Performing Wudhu'

  51. Giving Sincere Counsel

  52. Teaching the Ignorant

  53. Commanding the Good

  54. Forbidding the Wrong

  55. Helping the Oppressed

  56. Lowering the Gaze

  57. Visiting Fellow Muslims For The
  58. Sake Of Allaah

  59. Attending the Funerals

  60. Consoling the Afflicted

  61. Visiting the Sick

  62. Accepting Invitations

  63. Showing Empathy to the Grieved/Depressed

  64. Staying [in the Masjid] after Prayer Waiting for the Next Prayer

  65. Attending Religious

  66. Classes in the Mosque

  67. Honouring the Scholars of Religion

  68. Clarifying Misconceptions
    [about the Religion]

  69. Spreading the Prophetic Way of Practicing Religion

  70. Gifting

  71. Shaking Hands with Muslims for the Sake of Allah

  72. Respecting the Elderly

  73. Paying Back Loans

  74. Giving Loans to the Needy

  75. Giving the Debtor Who is in Difficulty Time Until Things Become Easier for Him

  76. Remitting or Deducting Others’ Debts

  77. Managing to Pay off Due Loans for Those Overburdened with Debts and Paying the Bills for the Indigent

  78. Good Intercession

  79. Sparing the Repentant

  80. Removing Harmful Items From People's Paths

  81. Being Lenient in Buying and Selling

  82. Covering up Faults of Muslims

  83. Sponsoring the Orphan

  84. Helping out the Widow

  85. Building Mosques

  86. Guiding People to Good Deeds

  87. Printing (Beneficial) Books

  88. Spreading Knowledge on Websites

  89. Giving and Attending

  90. Speeches on Religion

  91. Giving a Poor a Sheep to Slaughter as a Sacrifice on the Eid

  92. Helping

  93. Those Seeking Marriage

  94. Resolving Differences Between Conflicting Parties

    Keeping Good Company

    Setting Up Endowment Projects (Waqf)

    A Righteous Hajj

    Love for the Sake of Allah

  95. Pardoning

  96. Helping an Artisan or Making Anything for the Unskilled (Labourer), Providing Free Training or Teaching some Skill

  97. Instilling Happiness in People

  98. Offering Food

  99. Wiping Over an Orphan's Head

  100. Always Being in Wudhu'

  101. Sustaining Daughters and Sisters

  102. Sustaining Wife and Children

  103. Cleaning Mosques

  104. Offering Water

  105. Expressing Gratitude for Kindness

  106. Repaying Kindness and Making Dua for the One Who has Done It

  107. Weeping out of Fear of Allah

  108. Eating With Others

  109. Dying White Hair

  110. Growing Plants with Good Intention

  111. Fulfilling the Needs of Muslims

  112. Seeking Forgiveness for the Muslim Men and Women

  113. Providing Free Incantation Seeking therewith the Pleasure of Allah

  114. Hastening to Break the Fast

  115. Delaying the Pre-Dawn Meal (Suhoor)

  116. Congratulating Muslims on Blessings (They Receive)

  117. Clothing Needy Muslims

  118. Starting with the Right When Putting on Shoes

  119. Starting with the Left When Removing Shoes

  120. Drinking While Sitting

  121. Reminding People of the Shahadah at the Time of Death

  122. Starting Everything with the Name of Allaah

  123. Using the Siwak Regularly

  124. Praying Istikhaarah (Prayers for Guidance When Faced With a Decision)

  125. Prostrating in Gratitude

  126. Helping Around the Home

  127. Walking to the Mosque

  128. Praying Toward a Sutrah (Barrier)

  129. Reciting The Qur’aan With A Melodious Voice

  130. Taking Permission Before Entering [Others’ Houses]

  131. Suppressing Yawning

  132. Sitting In The Mosque After Dawn Prayer Until Sunrise

  133. Commanding One’s Family to Observe Prayers

  134. Praying Two Rakaats on Entering and Leaving the House

  135. Wiping One’s Face with One’s Hand on Awaking for Late-Night Prayer And Reciting the Last Verses of Aal Imraan

  136. Perfecting Ablution

  137. Asking Allaah’s Mercy for People When They Sneeze and Thank Allah

  138. Guiding Those Seeking Guidance

  139. Saying Three Times Subhaanal-Malikil-Quddoos after Witr Prayer

  140. Sleeping in a State of Purity

  141. Providing Company for Those Feeling Forlorn

  142. Hosting the Stranger

  143. Burning Incense and Spreading Aromatic Smell inside the Mosque
    Distributing the Qur’aan in Mosques, etc.

  144. Sharing Knowledge on Apps, Websites, Channels and Radios
    Conducting Classes, Lectures and Workshops/Courses

  145. Performing Eid Prayer

  146. Setting up Charitable Organisations

  147. Sponsoring Pilgrims

  148. Freeing Scholars of Religion of Worldly Engagements so as to Focus Solely on Acquiring Knowledge

  149. Developing Books and Programmes for Muslim Children

  150. Faithfully Imparting Knowledge

  151. Defending Muslims’ Reputations

  152. Listening to the Qur’aan

  153. Awarding and Motivating Knowledge-Seekers and Doers of Good
    Being Playful and Gentle with Children

  154. Reminding Others of Good Occasions

  155. Preserving and Giving Back Trusted Items

  156. Providing Medical Treatment for the Sick for the Sake of Allah

  157. Being Kind to Animals and Birds

  158. Translation provided by a generous contributor, may Allah reward the translator.

  159. Source: - Islam Question and Answer

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