Receiving Extra Money Without Working And Outside of the Work Shift
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Receiving Extra Money Without Working And Outside of the Work Shift

Question :

I am an employee who works for the government. We sometimes receive a bonus from the managers of our department, without us working any extra hours for that bonus. The manager of our department knows about this bonus and approves of it; they say that it is a bonus that, from time to time, employees receive. Can I take this money? If it is not allowed for me to take it, what about the money I received in this way before, money that I have already spent?


If the situation is as you described A it, it is not permissible for you take that money, and taking it is considered treachery. It is necessary for you to return that money to the Government treasury. If you can't do that, then spend it in charity, to the poor or to any other good cause. Then repent to Allah Almighty and make a firm intention not to return and do that sin again. A Muslim is not permitted to take anything from the Muslim treasury except through lawful means approved by the Shari'ah, means that the government knows about and approves of. And with Allâh is the facilitation to do what is right.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 98-99

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings