Questions Regarding the Atonement
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Questions Regarding the Atonement

Questions :

1. Is it permissible to pay the atonement in full to one poor person if sixty poor persons cannot be found?

2. Is it permissible to give this poor person the whole atonement in one day, or should he be given the atonement each day for sixty days?

3. What is the amount of the atonement which must be given to one poor person, whether it be money or food?

4. Is it permissible to borrow the cost of the atonement and give it to the poor or not?


1. The atonement for Az-Zihar or for having sex during the day in the month of Ramadhan is according to sequence, not according to choice. So a slave must be freed, and whoever does not find one, proceeds to fasting, and whoever is unable to do that proceeds to feeding the poor.

2. Sixty poor persons must be fed if the number is present. If he (the person making the atonement) does not find them, it is permissible for him to give it to those whom he finds, by feeding thirty persons for two days, or one poor person for sixty days. If it is difficult for him to do so, he may give him all of the food at one time and that will be sufficient.

3. He may give them lunch or dinner once, or give them food sufficient for them for one night, of the food which is usual for him and his family, it has been estimated as half a Sa' for each poor person, along with whatever else is suitable for him (such as salad, soup, drinks etc.).

4. There is no objection to borrowing, if he is poor or he finds someone to lend to him, and he is sure that he will find the repayment of that loan, then he may borrow. If he is unable to pay it and he finds no one to lend him, then the obligation is lifted from him.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Pages 80-81

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings