Qat is Forbidden and Not Impure
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Qat is Forbidden and Not Impure

Question :

Many of those addicted to using qat remove it from their mouths and put it in a plastic bag, then pray and after the prayer, they put it in their mouths again; is qat impure? And what is the ruling on those who pray with it in their mouths? And is it permissible for one who has qat in his mouth to delay the prayer until he has finished and then combine what he has missed of the prayer (with the next prayer)?


I do not know of any evidence that it is impure, because it is a well known tree and the basic principle regarding trees and all kinds of plants is that they are pure. But using it is forbidden, according to the more correct of two opinions held by the scholars, due to the many harmful things in it. It is incumbent upon the one who uses it not to do so at the time of prayer, nor is it permissible to delay the prayer from its stated time; indeed, it is incumbent upon the Muslim to perform prayer at its stated time in congregation, in the mosque, with his Muslim brothers, in accordance with the words of the Prophet :
"Whoever heard the call to prayer and did not answer it, there is no prayer for him, except for the one who is excused."

Narrated by Ibn Majah, Ad-Daraqutni and Al-Hakim, with an authentic chain of narrators.

Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, was asked about the excuse and he said: "Fear or illness."

So using qat is not a legal excuse; indeed it is detestable. If one who uses it delays the prayer from its time, or misses the congregation in the mosque, that is a greater sin. It is also not allowed for one who uses it to combine two prayers, because using it is not one of the legal excuses which permit joining prayers.

It has been confirmed from the Prophet that when he taught. the Companions the prayer times and made the beginning and the end of them clear to them, he said:
"The prayer is between these two times."

It was confirmed in Sahih Muslim that a blind man said: "O Messenger of Allah! I have no one to lead me to the mosque, so is there any license for me to pray in my house?" He said:
"Do you hear the call to prayer?"

He answered: "Yes." He said:
"Then answer it."

And in a narration reported by other than Muslim with an narrators, he authentic chain of said:
"I see no license for you."

These authentic Hadiths, and others bearing the same meaning, all prove the obligation to perform the prayer in congregation at its stated times in the Houses of Allah, the Almighty, the All-Powerful. They also prove that it is prohibited to delay them or combining them without a lawful excuse.

My advice to those who use qat, cigarettes and all other intoxicants and narcotics is to avoid them completely and to fear Allah in this, because using it is an act of disobedience to Allah, Most Glorified and to His Messenger and because of the extremely harmful effects and evil consequences associated with them, and because they also lead to turning away from remembrance of Allah and from prayer.

We ask Allah to guide the Muslims to all that pleases Him, and to amend their hearts and their deeds and protect them from keeping evil company, those who prevent them from good, for verily, He is Most Generous, Most Kind. And Allah is the Granter of success.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Pages 339-340-341

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings