Performing the acts of Wudhu' with Al-Muwalat (in close sequence)
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Performing the acts of Wudhu' with Al-Muwalat (in close sequence)

Question :

While I was performing Wudhu', the water supply was cut off, so I waited for some time, then when the water returned, the parts which had been wet with the water of ablution had dried; should I have repeated the whole Wudhu', or continued from where I left off?


This depends upon the meaning of Al-Muwalat (close sequence) and on whether or not it is a condition for the acceptance of the Wudhu'. The scholars have two sayings in this matter:

The first is that Al-Muwalat is a condition, and that Wudhu' is not correct unless its acts are performed in close sequence, and that if some of them are separated from the others, it will not be correct. And this is the most authoritative statement, because Wudhu' is a single act of worship, all the parts of which should be performed together. If we say that Al-Muwalat is an obligation, and that it is a condition for the acceptance of the ablution, then of what will be Al-Muwalat? Some of the scholars said: Al-Muwalat means not to delay washing a part of the body until the water on the part washed before it has dried, unless he delayed it due to a matter related to Taharah, such as when there is something like paint on one of his limbs, and he is trying to remove it, causing him to delay the process until the limbs (which he has already washed) become dry. In this case, he would proceed according to what he has already done, and continue, even though he had delayed for a lengthy period, because his delay was caused by some action related to his ablution. But if the delay was due to obtaining water, as was the case of the questioner, then some of the scholars say that Al-Muwalat has been lost, and because of this, the Wudhu' must be repeated. Others say that Al-Muwalat is not lost, because the matter is not of his choosing when he is waiting to complete his ablution. Based upon this, if the water returns, then he would proceed according to what he has already done, even if his limbs had already dried.

Since some of the scholars hold that Al-Muwalat is an obligation and a condition, they say: Al-Muwalat is not conditional upon whether the skin has dried, but it is bound by common understanding. So there is a common understanding of what is separate in which cases the separation cuts off Al-Muwalat, and there is a common understanding of what is not separate as in the case with people who are waiting for water to become available after it is cut off. They are now occupied with procuring water, and the people do not consider this to be a discontinuation of the first part of the Wudhu' from the second part. Therefore he should proceed according to what he has already done, and this is more likely; so if the water comes, he should continue, unless the period of time which has passed is so long, that it could not be considered to constitute a continuation, in which case, he should start again, and this is a simple matter.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 91-92

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings