My Wife Smokes
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

My Wife Smokes

Question :

I have a wife who fulfills her obligations to Allah, such as praying, fasting etc., and she is obedient in fulfilling the rights of the husband. But she smokes in secret, and when I discovered this, I punished her and advised her not to continue smoking, but she did not take my advice and continued to do it. In brief, in what way should I proceed regarding this wife?

(a) Is it permissible for me to be patient with her action, since the one who accepts is like the one who does it?

(b) Am I guilty of sin if she continues to do this, and remains in my house? (c) Is it permissible for me to divorce her in order to avoid sin and transgression? I request a solution from Your Eminence, may Allah reward you with the best of rewards and grant you long life for the good of Islam and the Muslims.


You must advise her and explain to her the harmful effects of smoking and continuing it, and strive as much as possible to prevent her from smoking. You will have a reward for that, and there is no sin upon you. Because you do not accept her action; indeed, you have rebuked her and advised her, so it is upon you to continue this, even by punishing her with a punishment that will keep her from doing it. And we ask Allah to guide her.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Pages 380-381

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings