Mental Disturbances cannot be cured by Amulets
الفئة: The Book of Creed

Mental Disturbances cannot be cured by Amulets


Is it permissible for me to wear an amulet since I suffer from mental disturbances.


It is not permissible to wear amulets according to the (previously) mentioned Hadith!] and others; but it is permissible to make incantations using the Qur'an, to make supplications, perform the night prayers, make remembrance of Allah much, perform righteous deeds, seek refuge with Allah from Satan and avoid acts of disobedience and those who commit them. All of this will bring peace, rest and a happy life.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 222-223

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: The Book of Creed
people 4