Making up Missed Fasts of Ramadaan on reaching Puberty

Making up Missed Fasts of Ramadaan on reaching Puberty


About ten years ago I passed through the well known stages of puberty. However, in the first year of my adulthood, I did not fast the month of Ramadhaan although I had no physical excuse. It was my ignorance at the time, not realising that it was obligatory. Do I now have to make those days up? In addition to making up those days, do I have to make some expiation?


It is a must upon you to make up that month in which you did not fast while, at the same, repenting and seeking Allah's forgiveness. You must also feed a sa' of the staple food of dates, rice, or other such foods if you have the ability to do so. If you are poor and do not have the ability to do so, then there is nothing upon you besides the making up of the fast.

Souce :Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women - Darussalam Pgs. 145-146

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