Make Wudhu' only once and do not obey Satan
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Make Wudhu' only once and do not obey Satan

Question :

Before every Wudhu' I try to remove all of the urine which might be in my penis; I do this by sitting many times and lifting each leg in succession over the sink in which I make Wudhu'. Many times, I repeat the ablution two or three times, when I feel that there are some drops of urine about to come out, on completion of the Wudhu'. Sometimes, it becomes evident that this was only my imagination, but often, it is fact, so that I am affected by whispering (from Satan), especially since repeating the ablution two or three times and spending time in expelling the urine cause hardship, so what should I do, particularly in winter, when the water is so cold that I cannot bear it, so I heat it up in order to make Wudhu' with it?


There is no doubt that most of these things are imaginings and whispers from Satan, which he places in the hearts of some people, so that worship becomes a burden for them, so that they become weary and abandon it. Therefore we advise you not to pay any heed to them. You should perform ablution once, and not repeat it, nor spend too long in sitting over the toilet. Do not weary yourself in extracting the remnants of urine, for it is like milk in the udder - if it is expressed, it will flow, but if it is left, it will cease. When you are absolutely sure that urine has come out, you must repeat your ablution, but you are not required to inspect or touch the area. If it is determined that urine is continually leaking out, then this a case of continual urine, and you will be required to make Wudhu' once, after the time for prayer has become due, and its coming out after you have performed that ablution will not affect you. But it is most likely that this is just imagination, not fact, so pay no attention to it, and Allah is the Curer.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 71-72

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings