It is Incumbent Upon a Wife to Hear and Obey Her Husband
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

It is Incumbent Upon a Wife to Hear and Obey Her Husband

Question :

I have a relative who is afflicted by a number of chronic diseases and he is unable to work. He has children; four of them work and help their father with his living expenses. But his wife says: "You have no right to take anything from your children." She says that her expenses should be met by her husband, and she goes out without her husband's permission, and does as she likes, and previously she has asked for a divorce, saying to her husband: "You are forbidden to me as your mother is forbidden to you."


It is an obligation upon the aforementioned wife to hear and obey her husband in all that is reasonable, and she does not have the right to go out without her husband's permission, as long as he fulfills his obligations to her. Such as supporting her and clothing her. She has no right to rebuke him because of what he takes from his sons. As for her declaring herself forbidden to him, she should make the expiation for an oath for this, and turn in repentance to Allah, Most Glorified.

The expiation for an oath is to feed ten poor persons or clothe them, giving each one of them half a Sa' of the country's staple food, such as dates, rice etc. Or, she must clothe each of them with a garment suitable for prayer. As for her seeking a divorce, the reason for it must be looked into, and that must be done by the Court. And the opinion of the Court will be sufficient, if Allah wills. May Allah grant success to all in attaining that which pleases Him and peace.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Pages 367-367

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 3