Islam's Position on Mixed Education
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Islam's Position on Mixed Education

Question :

What is the position of Islam regarding university education in some Muslim countries in which there exists immorality, sinfulness and much disbelief, and where there are completely naked young women, and weak, corrupted and misguided young men, and open mixing (of the sexes) in a manner which is both degrading and shameless, and is unacceptable in Islam. In fact, the teaching authorities in the universities encourage it. In some of the colleges in these universities, there is not even a mosque where one may prostrate to Allah Alone. And there is an official, obligatory dress code, which is the dress of the polytheists from Europe, and it is not permitted for any student to enter an examination without this dress, such as wearing a Qamis) and 'Imamah, [2] because they consider this as backwardness and ignorance. What is the ruling?


A First of all, acquiring beneficial knowledge is Fardh Kifayah so it is an obligation upon the people especially those in authority over them to organize a community of men and women from among them to learn. what is required in different spheres of knowledge. They must also make the way easy for them, so that the community may carry on the preservation of its culture, cure its ills and to keep clear of dangerous pitfalls. If that is achieved, then the community is free from blame and it is hoped that they will be rewarded. If not, it is feared that they will be put to trial and the Word of (Allah's) Punishment will be justified against them.

Secondly, the mixing of male and female students and male and female teachers in places of education is forbidden. This is

Qamix: A long shirt or garment. Imamah: Headdress, turban.

Fardh Kifayah: A collective responsibility upon the community, which is coruidered to have been fulfilled if some of them undertake it because of the trial and temptation (Fitnah), the arousal of desire, and the occurrence of immorality which result from it. Sins are multiplied and crimes increase if the female teachers or the female students reveal anything of their Awrah or wear transparent clothes which reveal what is beneath them, or if they wear tight clothes which outline their parts, or if they flirt with the male students or the teachers, and joke with them, or other such behavior. All of this weakens respect and esteem, and causes a loss of honor and dignity.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon the authorities to assign institutes, schools and colleges for male students and likewise for female students. This is so, in order to preserve their religion and to prevent weakening of respect, esteem, honor and dignity and to prevent chaos in relations between the sexes. Then those people with a sense of honor and religion among the teaching profession and the student body are able to organize their affairs, without impediment or harassment. If the authorities do not fulfill their obligations and segregation of male and female students is not attained in the field of education and they do not prevent the transparently-dressed, scantily-clad women, it is not permissible to join such bodies as these, unless one considers that he has the ability to reduce sin and lessen evil through advice and mutual cooperation with others like himself among his colleagues and teachers and he is able to guard himself from temptation.

The Permanent Committee.
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Pages from 162-163

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings