Is it Permissible for a Woman to attend the Friday prayer?

Is it Permissible for a Woman to attend the Friday prayer?

Question :

What is the ruling on a woman offering the Friday prayer? And should it be before or after the men's prayer, or with them?


Friday prayer is not obligatory for a woman, but if a woman offers the Friday prayer with the Imam, then her prayer is accepted and she does not need to perform the Zuhr prayer. But if she prays in her house, she must offer the Zuhr prayer of four Rak'ahs and that is after the time for it begins, i.e. after the sun begins to descend. And through Allah is attained success. And may peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad and upon his family and Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 448

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