If the Worshipper is in Doubt regarding His Recitation of Al-Fatihah, should He make the Prostration of Forgetfulness, and what should He say therein?
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

If the Worshipper is in Doubt regarding His Recitation of Al-Fatihah, should He make the Prostration of Forgetfulness, and what should He say therein?

Question :

During my prayer, I forget whether I have recited Surah Al-Fatihah... should I perform the prostration of forgetfulness? And what should a person recite in the prostration of forgetfulness? And if I am almost sure that I have recited it, should I make the prostration of forgetfulness?


If the single worshipper or the Imam is in doubt about his recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah, then he should repeat it before making the bowing and there is no need for him to make the prostration of forgetfulness. However should his doubt arise after he has finished the prayer, he should pay no heed to it and his prayer will be correct. As for the prostration of forgetfulness, it is prescribed to make therein the same supplications and the saying Subhana Rabial-A'la and such like, as one does in the prostration of prayer.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 270

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings