If the Imam speaks ungrammatically
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

If the Imam speaks ungrammatically

Question :

If the Imam speaks ungrammatically when reciting Al- Fatihah, is the prayer of those praying behind him invalidated?


If the Imam recites Al-Fatihah ungrammatically, and the bad grammar alters the meaning, he must be alerted to this and informed. If he repeats his recitation correctly, then all praise and thanks be to Allah, but if he does not, then it is not permissible to pray behind him.

It is incumbent upon those responsible for appointing the Imam to remove him. And grammatical errors which change the meaning include reciting "An'amta 'alaihim" as "An'amti" or "An'amtu" or "Iyyaka na'budu wa Iyyaka nasta in" as "Iyyaki”... As for grammatical errors which do not change the meaning, such as reciting "Rabbal 'Alamin" or "Rabbul 'Alamin" or "Ar- Rahmana" or "Ar-Rahmanu", it does not impair the prayer.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 414-415

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings