If He Informs the Authorities About A Drug dealer, He Will Fear For His Life
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

If He Informs the Authorities About A Drug dealer, He Will Fear For His Life

Question :

If someone knows people who are drug dealers, should he inform the authorities about them, even though he fears that if he tells on them, they will physically harm him or even kill him? Or what if the drug dealers are relatives?


First of all, these drug dealers shouldn't have to know who it was that told the authorities about them; it is the responsibility of the authorities to keep the identity of their informant secret. If authorities began announcing who their informants are, nobody would step forward to offer information. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the authorities to keep the names of their informants secret, for it is only natural that those informants will fear assault against themselves. In case when the informant does not trust the authorities, he will hesitate to do what is necessary; he will hesitate to inform the authorities about the drug dealers, especially if he does not have strong faith. This hesitancy, however, can be removed when those in authority are responsible about keeping their sources confiden- tial.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Page 77

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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