If a Barrier is placed between the Men and the Women, then which Row of the Women is better?

If a Barrier is placed between the Men and the Women, then which Row of the Women is better?

Question :

If there is a wall used as a barrier between the men and the women in the Masjid, does the statement of the Messenger apply where he said:
"The best of the rows of the men are the first of them and the worst of them is the last of them. And the best of the rows of the women is the last of them and the worst of them is the first of them."

Or is this not applied and therefore the best of the rows for the women remains the first of them? Please benefit us with an answer, and may Allah benefit you.


It is apparent that the reason for the best of the rows of the women being the last of them is due to its distance from the men. For verily, the more the woman is away from the men, the safer it is for her and it is more preserving for her honor. It keeps her away from inclining towards lewdness. If the prayer area of the women is far from the men and separated with a barrier, such as a wall or a specific curtain, and they only rely on the microphone in following the Imam (in prayer), then the correct view is that the first row is better. This is due to its advancement (being in the front), its closeness to the Qiblah and similar to that.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Page 323

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