I Was Given Compensation For Work I Didn't Perform
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

I Was Given Compensation For Work I Didn't Perform

Question :

I received some money in the form of compensation, but I never did work outside of my office. Extra compensa- tion is normally awarded to someone who is commissioned to do some work abroad. What should I do with this money? Can I donate it for the building of a Masjid?


In this kind of situation, I think that a person who receives compensation for work he did not do, should inform the manager's superior about what happened. His superior can then discipline him for his treachery as he sees fit. Managers and heads of departments who accustom their employees to cheating undermine trust and honesty in our society.

You should not only inform your manager's superior, but you should also return that money to the country, because by keeping it, you will be taking the nation's money without a right. What right does your manger have and what right do you have to spend the nation's money when you didn't earn that money.

It has been said to me, "We do this because the commissioned person is productive but we do not have the authorization to increase his salary. So we arrange it so that we can give him a business trip without him actually having to go."

But this is obviously not correct because if a person is productive in his work then what he drinks and eats will be lawful, and Allah will reward him. If he does more work than he is required then there is no problem, he can be given a letter of gratitude, or presented with a certificate that he can keep, or, a request can be made to the higher officials to compensate him a raise for doing work that he was not required to do. But cheating someone, ourselves or our country, is not allowed.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 102-103

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings