I swallowed some Water after rinsing my Mouth

I swallowed some Water after rinsing my Mouth

Question :

One day I swallowed some water after rinsing my mouth. When I asked a Shaykh about it, he said to me that there is nothing due on me, as I did not intend to break my fast. Is there any thing due on me?


You do not have to make up for this matter and what that Mufti told you as an answer is correct. Firstly, because of ignorance and lack of awareness of the ruling; secondly, because of the small amount of that and its rarity; and thirdly, that occurs similar to a person being forced and overcome by it (ie., it is uncontrollable).

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 261-262

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