I Supplicated, but I wasn't Answered
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

I Supplicated, but I wasn't Answered

Question :

I spent the last ten years, on and off, asking Allah Almighty to provide me with a righteous husband and with righteous children. But some of this never happened, and I know that it is Allâh's will and that there is nothing that can ward off his decree. My question is this: I have stopped supplicating since a short time ago, not from despair for an answer to my prayers, but because I began to think that what I was asking for was not in my best interests. I thought this because Allâh Almighty did not answer me. I decided to desist from supplicating because Allah Almighty knows best what will benefit me, regardless of my strong and persistent desire to have my prayers realized. What must I do in this situation? Do I continue supplicating, or do I resign myself to the fact that what I am asking for is not in my best interests, and thus stop asking?


It is mentioned in a Hadith that the worshipper's supplication will be answered, as long as he does not hurry, feeling that the answer is delayed, then lamenting the delay, and then abandoning supplicating altogether. This person says, "I supplicated and I supplicated, but I was not answered."

Allah Almighty may delay answering a prayer for a number of reasons. And in one Hadith, it is mentioned that Allâh Almighty gives one of three things to the one who invokes Him: He answers his prayer by giving to him what he asks, He saves his reward for the Hereafter, or He repels an evil from him.

So, sister, you should not be hasty; rather, you should continue supplicating, even if this continues for many more years. Also, you should not reject an equal (equal in looks, lineage, wealth, etc.) if he proposes to you, even if he is old or is already married.
Perhaps, Allâh will give you much good in that.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 292-293

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings