I have a Recurring Nightmare
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

I have a Recurring Nightmare

Question :

I have this recurring nightmare: something doughy is in my mouth and my breathing becomes constricted, so that I cannot speak. Every time I remove the object, another one takes its place. This continues until I wake up, terrified by what I saw. This dream has spoiled the tranquility of my life, as I think about it all the time. Yet I can find no reason for having it I pray and I fast and I have made the pilgrimage to Makkah; I always ask forgiveness from Allâh and repent to Him. Nevertheless, this dream repeats itself after a period of two to five months. I ask Allâh Almighty that I may find an interpretation of this nightmare with you. I also ask Allah Almighty to guide you to the best of this world and the Hereafter. And Allah Almighty will continue to help his servant as long as he is helping his brother.


This dream is from the Shaytan. What is prescribed for you and for any male or female Muslim is that you spit three times to his left, seek refuge in Allâh three times from the Shaytan and from what you saw, and turn over to the other side. Then the dream will cause no harm. You should also refrain from mentioning the dream to anyone. This is due to what is confirmed from Allah's Messenger ﷺ:
"A good dream is from Allah; a (bad) dream is from Shaytan. So if one you sees what he hates (in his dream), he should spit three times to his left, seek refuge in Allah three times from the Shaytan and from what he saw, and he should turn over to his other side; then it will not harm him. Also, he should not tell anybody about it."

This authentic Hadith provides an effective remedy to bring peace to the believing male or female and to protect him or her from the ill effects of a bad dream. My brother, use this important Prophetic medicine, and your heart will find peace and comfort. And may Allah guide us all.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 130-131

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 139