How should an Injured Person perform Ghusl?
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

How should an Injured Person perform Ghusl?

Question :

I am a young woman and my arm has recently been injured near the shoulder which required an operation. The doctor forbade me from washing, so that the injury might not be affected by gangrene. However, after some time, I completed my menstruation and I wanted to make Ghusl, but I was undecided in the matter what should I do? Should I wash my body excluding this area, because I know that Ghusl is not complete without the washing of every part of the body; bear in mind that preventing water from reaching this part of the body is very difficult?


When making Ghusl for menstruation and the like, you are required to wash all that you can of your body. As for the injury and the surrounding area, cover it with an adhesive dressing or the like and wash all except this area. If this is difficult, then wash what is below it by cupping the hand over it and complete the washing of the remainder of the body where there is no pain.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 96

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings