His Child died and He did not pray over it out of forgetfulness
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

His Child died and He did not pray over it out of forgetfulness

Question :

I had a six-month-old child that died. I took him to the graveyard and buried him without praying over him, as it slipped my mind. Knowing that I do not know the exact place of the grave where I buried the infant, is there any charity I can give that will compensate for the prayer or any other deed that can compensate for prayer over him?


There is no other deed that can compensate for the funeral prayer over the deceased, whether it is a child or an adult. This cannot be made up by charity or any other acts of goodness. You must go to the graveyard where you buried him, place the graveyard between you and the Qiblah and pray the funeral prayer over this infant. You must do this in a state of purity (having Wudhu') and fulfilling the other conditions of the prayer. This will suffice you, as you do not know exactly where the grave of the infant is. Allâh, the Most High said:

"Allah does not burden a soul except with what it can bear."And He said:

"And fear Allah as much as you are able."

And the Prophet said:
"If I order you all to do something, then do whatever you are able of it, and if I forbid you all from something, avoid it."And Allâh gives success.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Page 61

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings