He Swore Not to do Something, Then He Did it
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

He Swore Not to do Something, Then He Did it

Question :

I have a maternal uncle who speaks about me and verbally abuses and curses me in front of people, in spite of the fact that I have not done anything to warrant any of this. So I swore that I would not speak to him, nor enter his house, but I entered it after a number of days had passed. What should I do?


You must make the atonement for an unfulfilled oath since you swore an oath and then broke it. That atonement is to feed ten poor persons with the usual meal which you and your family eat, the food of lunch or dinner for one day, or clothe them with garments fitting for prayer.

But if you are poor and unable to do this, then you must fast for three consecutive days and you must take care to repair relations between yourself and your uncle, removing what (enmity and rancor) is in his heart, and apologize for the things which caused him to verbally abuse you. This is part of maintaining family ties, and mercy will not be shown to people who breaks family ties.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Page 373

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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