He Swore Not to do Something, But He Fears That He Might do it
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

He Swore Not to do Something, But He Fears That He Might do it

Question :

A person swore not to do a certain thing, and that if he did it, he would fast for two consecutive months. Now he fears that he might do this thing. What is the ruling?


This man wishes to prevent himself from doing a certain thing, and so he swore that if he did it he would fast for two consecutive months. His intention by this was to remember a powerful reason to prevent himself from doing it, which was to fast for two consecutive months. Cases such as this fall into the category of a vow. What is intended by a vow is to encourage or prevent, or to confirm the truth of something or belie it. The ruling for a vow, according to the scholars, is the same as that for an oath. Based upon this, we say to this man: If you did this, it is incumbent upon you to make the atonement for an unfulfilled oath, which is to feed ten poor persons, or clothe them, or to free a slave. And if you are unable to do these things, you must fast for three days.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Page 374

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings