He Paid Money To Kiss The Black Stone
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

He Paid Money To Kiss The Black Stone

Question :

A son and his mother, who came for Hajj, wished to kiss the black stone. Because of the crowd around it, that became impossible. The son paid somebody near the stone ten Riyals; this man managed to push the crowd away and made room for the son and his mother to kiss the stone. Is this permissible or not? Is his Hajj accepted or not?


According to what the questioner stated, this act is indeed bribery, and the man shouldn't have paid it. Moreover, kissing the black stone is Sunnah and isn't from the pillars of the Hajj, nor is it one of the obligatory acts of Hajj. Whoever can kiss it without hurting others, then it is recommended for him to do so. If he can't reach it, then he should touch it with a stick, and then kiss that stick. If he can't touch it with his hand or stick, he should point to it when he passes it while saying, "Allahuakbar." This is the Sunnah.

Paying a bribe, though, to be able to kiss it is not allowed for the one who is walking around the Ka'bah or for anyone else. All parties concerned in this transaction should repent to Allâh Almighty.

The Permanent Committee.
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 145-146

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings